Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Soap Boxing

1) What is with CVS stores in DC? Seriously, man...

2) As I've aged, I realized what I was running from when I was younger, I am futily trying to get back in my life. I've realized now, that I have to carve out my own piece of the world as it changes rather than trying to reclaim it.

3) I am beyond ecstatic that I get to spend time and travel with my sister-in-law while I introduce her to Europe for the first time in October.

4) I desparately want to start my own business.

5) I have found the coolest alternative to the traditional gym: Snap Fitness. I LOVE this place!

6) The older I get, the more like my grandfather I am, with the same traits, personality, drive, attitude, and... faults.

7) It astounds me that we are STILL getting press about Michael Jackson. I feign to think if Teddy Kennedy will still be getting press months after his funeral. Wow, the priorities of some people, I will never understand. I really don't want to sound insesitive, but outside of his family, is it really any of our business what the chemical make-up of his blood was when he died? I am sure it included formaldyhide. I need to be more cool, I guess.

8) Whatever happened to Lynda Carter?

9) I want to be The Green Lantern for Halloween.

10) I am tired of battling my weight. I think it's time I focus more on health than beauty.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


I've had a lot of time to collect my thoughts, lately, and felt like sharing some of them. They are quite random, but gives me an avenue to help make sense of the chaos:

1) "Friends" have been on my mind lately. Not a particular one, but generally. I've been thinking a lot about what a "friend" is, or should be to me.

2) I've noticed that as crowds in public places increase, acknowledgement of that fact by each individual decreases. People tend to care less that they cut you off, run over you feet, push you, or respect you when there is a crowd around.

3) When my mind is made up, I commit. Until then, I procrastinate.

4) Anyone who knows me well enough, knows I am open and tolerant of almost anything, and I believe most anything can be rectified with good VERBAL (face-to-face) communication. However, the one and only thing I can't (won't) tolerate is lying. When I find out someone has lied to me, after I have placed complete trust in them, I will never trust them again. There is no second chance, and you do not get to "pass go." If I catch you in the lie, I won't tell you. I firmly believe lying will come back to haunt your dreams and future, and that gives me solace.

5) God, I love riding the train every day.

6) My life has been drastically altered in 2009. Enough already! All my life I have been the "enabler" with little care for any reciprocation. Like with a basket of apples, when you give and share all you have, and get nothing in return, you go home hungry.

7) The ridiculous political wrangling over the healthcare system is taking a very serious issue and making it trivial. Having no, or inadequate healthcare is NOT trivial. And seriously.. "Death Panel"?? Do you honestly believe the feds would do that? And if you do, I urge you to read the proposed plans (from BOTH sides of the aisle) without news or media commentary. You'll find they are spinned so much by the media and pundits and politicos that you'll (hopefully) never listen to them again. Educate youself, people, and don't let others tell you what to think. You ARE a grown-up.(PS - I have worked for both Blue Cross AND HHS.. I think I have a little more credibilily than Palin for understanding BOTH sides of the issue. She QUIT serving the public altogether.. hmmm.)

8) I think mountain streams and rivers kick major ass!

9)I think this whole iPhone thing (despite my feelings toward Apple) is cute, but the public is being taken by sensational marketing and glam. It will end, and not pleasantly, I fear. I can't explain, but something's a-brewin'.

10) We Americans work FAR too much (me included) and explore far too little. How dichotomous from our past!