Monday, March 23, 2009

I saw tomorrow (a poem)

I saw tomorrow, and it was grand.
Without today, it lay unbound and free
to wander my mind and agree.

I saw tomorrow, and it was sad.
With tethers born in restraint
and desire and need.

I saw tomorrow, and it was blessed.
With love long past still
in my head.

I saw tomorrow, and it was dead.
With fear and waste, it fought
to live.

I saw tomorrow, and it was loved.
With passion never seen, it fell
in the arms of someone who cared.

I saw tomorrow, and it was new.
Clothed in warmth, it sang
new songs of renewal and hope.

I saw tomorrow, and it was gone.

(written to approach my thoughts of a bright new future while dealing with feelings of abandonment and need for companionship)