Friday, June 4, 2010

Sad State of Affairs

Well folks, I have to admit that I've not been the world's best blogger, blogging daily and soliciting feedback. But, here I am, shuffling it back to life!

A few months ago, I moved into my new house after a serendipitous route trailing back to the sale of my DC condo. I miss that little gem, but the longer I'm away, the more I realize why I moved and why it was a good thing.

Today, I was riding home on the train and started thinking about how drastically my life had changed in only the last few months. In DC, I was turning into a wretched, aggressive prick, complicated with traffic and the general nuisance it takes to do anything or go anywhere. The convenience of not having to drive was far outweighed by the downright monster I was becoming. And then there was the relationship thing...

Anyway, I'm back on track, with a relaxing train ride to work each morning. I've weaned myself off of the caffeine drinks, and I have space to spread my wings. This morning on the train I looked around at the others and saw so many sad faces and I couldn't help but laugh to myself. I am the happiest I think I have been in a very long time. Not even the liars and two-faced crocks I deal with at work can ruin the change I've made in my life right now.

But there are always sad parts in my life. I miss my mother and father terribly. I hear others talk about their parents often and think, gosh, my parents never really saw me or my brothers become "adults." My mother never even saw middle age! But - I have a new lease on life, new goals and a new direction. I don't think it's time to share it with that some-one just yet. I need a little time to myself for a while to enjoy this "happy thing."

Just do one thing for me: as you're sitting in traffic and cursing your fellow driver, or on an escalator and wishing people would move, or in line somewhere and just can't be patient... think to yourself... does it really matter? I can tell you now. No, it doesn't.

Dreamiest of sleeps, all! Loves ya!

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