pushing a stroller, tugging rolling luggage, or steering a shopping cart suddenly gives you justification to run over others and give you precedent over others around you. Silly me!
I don't understand why...
people complain about how inconvenienced they are even when they aren't. The sky is falling!
I don't understand why...
people are bigoted. There is at least one thing about us all that is undesirable. Get over it!
I don't understand why...
people aren't petrified of death. Religion aside, isn't ANYone mortified about their death?
I don't understand why...
people refuse to go to work at the sight of the first snowflake, but will drive through the Alaskan tundra to get milk and eggs (that will rot in the refridgerator).
I don't understand why...
it takes months to lose weight but two days to gain 10 pounds. What up wid dat??
I don't understand why...
(some) people on facebook get offended if you "unfriend" them, avoid them, or somehow overlook them. Pick up the phone, visit or meet up for dinner... I gaurantee none of those things will happen. I don't use Facebook as a weapon or an oracle for my feelings. Take a deep breath!
I don't understand why...
people are nosey. Will it alter one's life to know my preferred
I don't understand why...
we pay property taxes.
...there are more. Feel free to add!